We thought, we will never make it this year.

All busy with fresh and saltwater fly fishing. And saltwater plugging taking into account that I just got my new Tenryu rod from Japan...
But, anyway, somehow we decided to go.
A long drive at night, a little walk with seat box, holdall, groundbait bowl (full), and a small bag all on your back. Making groundbait at first... Ve-ery strong coffee with cardamon out of small glasses, just like it supposed to be here in the middle east.
And to the business...
First it is a real hell to setup your seatbox on those huge stones, but we're quite used to it.

Choose a rig, and you can roll your pole forth to plumb the depth.
Wow this year it's nearly three meters, good news!
Last year it was hardly over 2.5m.
I've decided to fish the 11.5m and a 5m kit on a very light float (0.4gr).
The depth at 5 meters is somewere at 5meters. 6 balls going on a long line and
only loose feed to the short one.
The short line started with sweet corn and works immidiately, bringing 3 small crucians.
The long line started working first for Steve with half a decent carp n corn as well.
I have swiched to carp as well.
Chopped worm did not work, I forgot my bread at home (as usual). And I did not realy have motivation to prepare paste or the meat. So we stayed with corn.
All of them were like brothers about 700grams each. We have not seen any grass carp or bigger carp this time.
Any way we had a great start this year, and I hope we will still have the power to make it a number of times this season and even maybe will take a part in matchfishing competition at the end of july.