We visited this venue somewhere in November. The road was a bit hard first 10km on dirt road were OK, the next 10 were 4X4 only, driving on slippery rocks, took us forever.
The venue looked just wonderful, 6 dams and the plenty river to fish.
The weather was very strange it would go from milk dense fog to sunny and from degrees to 25.
On the first night just before the total dark I managed a brownie on wooly bugger.
The next morning there were plenty flying termites, flying all around. Fish went crazy for them.
We did not have a good simulation, but had a bite or two on huge dry flies.
The rest of the fish we have ought from pedal boat, fishing Red Eye Damsel nymph.
I had few more takes on streamer, but not realized.
Beautiful venue, the best I have been up today...